Monday, January 17, 2011

Dry Erase Marker...

does not come off walls.

I came downstairs to see why Sister had been so quiet for the last 20 minutes (I know, way too long to leave her unsupervised) and the strong scent of marker wafted into my nostrils. I immediately began looking for Sister, wondering what she had done. She looked very guilty and was hiding behind the sofa as I was asking her where the marker was. She told me it was in the book and pointed to the toy cubby...

All over my mural-painted walls was brown marker drawings.

"Ha ha!"

I thought to myself. I was so relieved it was dry erase marker so it would come off. So I went to go get my camera to document the funny, yet, not-so-funny, occurrence and then brought Sister upstairs with me to get the washcloths and spray to wash off the "artwork."
I didn't notice this until I started to clean up... this must have been her hiding and still drawing spot.

She even got a couple of the items laying around in the toy closet... I'm glad I came down when I did or we would have had brown pooh! Ha!


Scrub. Scrub.

Scrub... scrub.... scrub. Scrub. Scru. Scr. Sc. Sssssssssssss.

Not coming off.


So my funny post is not so funny right now, but, I am sure it will be later.

I hope at least you get a laugh out of it.

6 remarks:

Mariah said...

I think a Magic Eraser takes off dry erase marker. Try it.

Ellie said...

I was going to say the same thing, magic eraser. The girls got some on my table and it came right off. Randy even used soft scrub one time when i was gone and that worked too. needless to say we have put them way up high. i love the art work, your art work that is =)

Joel and Jessie said...

Yeah, magic eraser....

Julie said...

I have had problems with the kids (one in particular) of playing with a permanent marker! Drawings at the bottom of the stairs, ALL OVER his closet doors, and downstairs in random places. So sorry about the drawings on your incredible drawings! She just wants to be an artist like her mommy!

The Chizel Family said...

oh no! That is sad!

Melissa said...

Oh no! Try rubbing alcohol, hair spray, or window cleaner. Something has got to work