We also took a walk around the lake that is up there. We thought the kids would really enjoy it, but for one reason or other 9 was dismayed and just wanted to go home (the lodge) but we finally made it. You will see some pictures of his "excitement."
All in all, we had an awesome time up there. It was even cooler because we were the only people there, the manager of the place didn't even stay there! So we basically ran the place as if it were our own cabin and got to leave without having to scrub the toilets. We stayed up late watching videos and playing games while drinking some really great hot chocolate! It was actually kinda cold that night. We had fun so enjoy the pictures. Oh, and don't get to worried of the pics of my in my swimsuit, I know my legs have not seen the sun but, I was excited to show off my belly and my swimsuit isn't going to cover it much longer. I was 21 weeks then and I am 22 weeks now and I have grown quite a bit!
Today was a very exciting day at our house and for the Fragile X community. KUTV, Channel 2 News came to do a story on us today for Fragile X Syndrome. It will be featured on the Parent2Parent. It won't air till the week after next, she will email me to tell me the air date and time—I will post it so you can all view it.
I was so nervous, and then you stick a mic on me and bright light camera in my face — it adds to the whole holy-crap-I-am-going-to-be-on-TV-do-I-have-anything-in-my-teeth scenario. But they were very nice and I think I answered the questions pretty thoroughly. I will tell you the truth though, you can't cover everything from your journey to your children's diagnoses, to what Fragile X Syndrome is, to how it affects your family, to who are the carriers and how is it passed on in only a 10 minute interview which then gets cut to 1 1/2 minutes on air. I think, though, that it went well. The cameraman had many questions after the interview so I think it was interesting enough—hopefully the viewers will also want answers and check out the fragilex.org website.
So anyway, the funniest part of the whole interview was that 9 wanted so badly to be part of the interview but his anxieties just couldn't quite handle it so he would stand behind me or walk behind me with a blanket over his head. Ha! I think the interviewer was getting a chuckle out of the fact that I just kept going even though there my blanketed child continued to wander behind me. I think she came to realize it was the norm. We have been laughing about it all day. They got some great shots of the kids and I am excited to see how it is all pieced together in the end.
They were so nice and genuine and I actually really enjoyed having them in our home. Junior got a picture of the three of us at the end of the interview and filming.
2 remarks:
what a beautiful place to be! i am jealous! can't wait to check out the interview...
Going to the mountains in the summer is the best. It is so refreshing. Your little belly, in the swimming suit is SO cute!
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