We went camping again but, only for a night. We were about to pack up and go home once we got there. First we tried one spot that I thought was GREAT but, we couldn't get the trailer in—really we tried, I even ended up getting us hung up on a tree stump while I was trying to back Marc in... ya, it tore off the little black plastic thing that goes on the front of the side-step-thing and bent the side-step-thing pretty good. So, needless to say, I don't think I'll be in charge of backing anymore. Then we went further up the canyon and found our spot we have camped in a few times and really enjoy it. But, tempers were a little high because of the tree stump--not a good campsite thing from earlier and then when I went to turn the water on to start lunch we realized the pump wasn't working so I made due, all the while trying to keep spirits up, but I think it got to all of us while we ate lunch with the never-ending-skin-biting-hovering-in-hair-buzzing-face-completely-annoying-in-every-way flies from h---! Aaaaahhh!!! I think we were all on edge. We even tried a hike just to stave off our frustrated anger, but that didn't help either. We wanted to go home, but, being the frugals that we are, we stayed so that we wouldn't waste gas only being there for 2 hours—ya, we'd only been there 2 hours.
Anyway, we resorted to watching a movie in the trailer with the door closed tight until it cooled off and the flies went away. Then we had a great dutch oven dinner and of course, later, s'mores! We really did end up having a great time.
We left right after breakfast the next morning and came right home to start getting our chicken pen together for our six chickens.
Chickens are funny. We had a ball watching them after we got them in there and all our hard work getting the chicken wire and gates even through the wind and rain were well worth it. 9 and 3 were loving it and even though, 17 and 13 won't really admit it, they love them too. So cute. So now our goat has company—we'll see how six chickens and one goat get along.

the beginning of our "hike"
taking a break

3 loves to pretend like she is shooting... such a tomboy that way.
She saw 13 out shooting the BB gun so she had to join in with her plastic one.

17 trying to pass the time until it got fun...

Aah, a nice quiet dinner time in the mountains

3 wanted to follow dad on his hike—she loves hiking—she didn't make it all the way this time though, it was too steep and the weeds were really high.

13, 17 and 9 playing in the meadow

The morning storm clouds rolling in

1 remarks:
Loved the close up of 3 in the tall grass.
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