Monday, October 3, 2011

From Dad's Point of View

Baby always wants to get in on what Brother and Sister are up to.
This time she is trying to watch Scooby Doo on Sister's iPod. Marc just had to get a picture of her trying to squeeze in.
She's stepping up on the bottom rung of the stools to get higher.

Brother was helping me cook the ground beef for dinner. He is such a good helper.

Marc grabbed a quick picture of Sister snuggling up to Brother while they were watching a movie.

On our bike ride through the nearby orchards.

Brother really enjoys his cruiser.

I take Sister along with me on my bike.

And Marc takes Baby behind him in the trailer.

We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place.

1 remarks:

Mariah said...

Wow! I love Sister's set up! Where did you find that it's great! And we do live in a gorgeous place.