Since I don't have pictures of that, here are some pics I sent Bryan of us while I was typing his letter.

Yesterday my mom and dad asked if we wanted to go to Mexican or Chinese for dinner. I thought I would ask the kids. 10's response to eating Chinese was, "Do we have to go to China?" He is so smart! I love it. Then when we went to the restaurant, which was the Mexican one, he and 4 were so well behaved it made me proud. You know, you hear what the world says a Fragile X kid can do and then you see what they do and you have so much hope. I am amazed everyday at the successes my children have. The fact that 10 is actually doing double digit multiplication still amazes me, I was excited when he was able to to the simple addition facts. 4 knows all her colors, letters, numbers and is reading family member's names. I am so excited for their successes. It is funny, when you have a child with mental challenges every tiny little thing is such a miracle.
... You know, it just hit me, as I was typing that paragraph above that, here I am—wallowing in self pity about the challenges that are in my life right now, that I have neglected to focus on the many miracles that surround me everyday. What am I whining for? Look around me! Come on Rachael, you are blessed! You are very blessed! Pick myself back up, dust myself off and start running again. You can do this! Yes, I can... wait, I just got tired again. I remembered my struggles again, man, I hate when they creep up and remind me of my misery and self-pity! Pppthth!!! Get over it, Rach! Run the race and don't give up till it's done! Ya! OK! Woo hoo!
3 remarks:
baby is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So true girlfriend! You have so much to be proud of! :-)
You are an inspiration, Rachael!
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