Things to watch for:
10 and his lanky movements as he darts in and out of the picture.
4 falling over a blanket on the ground
10 playing the WII while still trying to stay involved in the filming
Baby's little arms flailing around as grandma Judy entertains her
My face popping in once
Baby's smiles (I wish you could hear her, it was so cute)
My mom's animated face and trying to read her lips at the beginning when she says "Oh my word."
Baby has been getting better at holding her head up. She is still a bit wobbly but she is definitely getting stronger. She has been bringing her hands to her mouth and it is so cute to see her that way, she looks like she is snuggling. She used to be able to roll over from her stomach to her back when she was laying on my bed, but, she hasn't done that for a while now. I worry about that. Anytime you see regression in a baby, you worry, but, when you top it with the diagnosis of Fragile X Syndrome and knowing there is that possibility for autism to go along with it... you worry. I have noticed that Baby doesn't seem to be developing like 4 did, she seems to be following more along the lines of 10's development. Only time with tell what her abilities will be, and I "abilities" because I don't want to qualify her by her disabilities. I have to do that enough once they hit school age in order for them to get the services they need.
4 is coming up to the age where I have to decide what kind of Kindergarten I will put her in. The district is trying to tell me where I have to put her and I guess I will have to get to the point where I will have to tell them where to put their regulations...
I had to take a picture of my face today. It is just somber. I miss the kids, 13 and 18. They don't come to visit, I thought they would. They don't call, I thought they would. I have called them almost everyday to make sure they are happy and to reassure them that I love them. I have to pray several times a day just to help me get through the day without missing them and keeping myself happy so that I can focus on my family here at home. I have good days and I have bad days, I guess today was a tough day. Maybe the fact that 4 and Baby have been crying pretty much non-stop today may be part of my somber face...

10 remarks:
I had sound so it must have worked. She is getting bigger. Don't worry too much about the rolling. L1 did the same thing. We can always hope that it is just stubborness.
those days are hard for all of us, babies crying just makes for a bad day. your little baby is so stinkin cute though, and yes- your mom is a spaz(buhler word) but i love her!
Mine had sound! I had to turn it way up, but it worked. Your mom is so awesome, and she always has the right touch with all the babies. You are so lucky to have sucha great mom. Makes me wish I had a mom.
rachael, don't make us all cry. HUGS!!!
You know that if you need a little time away from crying babies, I live only down the road. You can bring her by anytime when you need a break!
My video had sound, too. It was really soft, but it was there. How cute to see your mom with her granddaughter! Priceless!
Our sound worked too, so we turned it off and it was much more funny:) We love you guys!
I think your somber face is beautiful!! Hang in there.
You are an amazing woman and mom! Sometimes somber is okay - it's how we "deal". But if somber lasts too long, call mom, friend, me, etc. for visits & laughs!!!
Guess what my sound worked (I just had to add that since everyone else did :). We should go to your mom's house with both our moms and hang out. Our moms are the best aren't they! Crying babies are HARD and even more when they are 4 years old! You can do hard things... You can!
yeah too funny Judy is such a nut. That would be fun to get together. I got sound on mine too I'll have to go back and listen to it without sound. Hang in there, you did a great job with 17 and 13! Them not calling or visiting doesn't say that they don't love you. They want to make it with their parents and that is where their focus will be for a while. After that settles down and they feel safe there then they will come around and visit. They are worried their parents will go away again and that scares them. So be patient, which is hard! You won't know how much of an effect you have had in their lives until way down the road. Just know that you did your part and loved them and took care of them. You have done and are doing a great job! Keep up the great work and know that the Lord is very pleased with you:)
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