Baby had been very sick all the week of New Years. Maybe it is good that I have had to play catch up because then I can't remember all the complaints I had about it—although I do remember some, and I will get to those later. (smile) Anyway, we did not invite people because she was sick. We blessed her on Sunday January 3rd, and I took her home after sacrament and then after church only immediate family came to eat afterwards. It was good to have everyone there, especially knowing that this was the last celebration-type family get together we would have before Daniel and Tynelle left for Florida.
Marc gave Baby a beautiful blessing. I really wish that I would have had a free hand to take notes as to what was said. I remember though that he talked a lot about how she would be charitable, compassionate and have a desire to be close to the family. It touched my heart hearing him give her a blessing like that knowing that she may have limited capabilities later on in her life. He also blessed her with strength to do the things that she needed to do. What a great father he is.
While everyone was still at church and Baby was still in her blessing dress I had Chelsea take some pictures of Baby. I think because of her feeling sick Baby did not cooperate very well and cried constantly so we weren't able to get too many pictures, but the few we got are prescious to me! Thank you Chelsea for your hard work. We even tried to get some other pictures of her but, to not avail—although we did get a really cute crying picture of her! Check them out!
I love how peaceful she looks.

You can see the detail of the laces on the dress and the cute little shoes she was wearing.
3 remarks:
She is so cute! Those are great pictures. I love the cryng one after you took the binki:)
oh, she is so cute! I'm sorry she was sick. I love blessing and to hear their Dad's blessing. Hope she is feeling better!
what a little angel
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