Anyway, did you know that when your child has FXS there is a lot of anxiety that goes with it (as I know with a lot of kids--anyway). 9 got some brand new shoes on Thursday night. He didn't wear them on Friday to school because they were too new and he didn't know what to think. Then on Saturday when we went to the desert he was very excited to show off his new shoes. In the middle of climbing he threw a tantrum about his shoes being too slippery on the rocks and threw his shoes on the ground and hopped into the car. When he noticed that it wasn't very fun to sit in the car he put his shoes back on and played some more--this time, no complaints. Then Sunday, he wore his church shoes to church and then wore his old blue shoes to grandmas. I asked him why he didn't wear his new gray ones and he said he couldn't find them (typical). So I didn't give much thought to it. Monday we still could not find the shoes so we sent him to school upset and disappointed to be wearing, again, his old blue shoes. After he left for school 3 woke up because she heard the garbage truck and wanted to come watch it. When the garbage truck came I got a weird feeling like I had forgotten something--weird, yes, but not so weird when, finally, after hours of the family looking for 9's shoes, that we get him to admit that he was mad at his shoes for being slippery on the rocks on Saturday so he threw them in the garbage can. I guess he thought that I knew he had thrown them away and thought I had fished them out. So much for that. But, he has now learned his lesson, "Don't throw things away without telling mommy or daddy first." And I have learned to always check the garbage can before it goes out Monday morning.

You know it is times like this that I realize Heavenly Father has his hand in everything. That I am so blessed to have all these friends and family around me that I can rely on. Not everyone has that--but, thank heaven that I do. Also, thank you to all those who are willing to volunteer to help me with our seminar on Fragile X!! I will be contacting you!