The baby is moving like crazy now. It is so much fun. She is so low that when I go to sleep at night I can't bend my legs up too far or she sits and kicks at my leg until I move. Funny. I am showing a lot more. Which is funny—no really—it is. Sometimes when I where certain shirts it looks like my belly is a torpedo ready to launch. I wish I had that cute pregnant belly that is perfectly shaped like I see all the models in the prego magazines have. I kind of have a belly that looks like a watermelon that was dropped on the end—you know, not quite round, a little flat... funny.
Anyway, I had no idea what to get 3 for her fourth birthday coming up here soon. We went shopping and still nothing hit me. Then I went to the dollar store—halleluja! That place is fantastic for 3-year-old gift giving! 3 is going to be so happy with her coloring books, mini markers, lipgloss, lipgloss rings, dry erase board and tote bag. Ya, I know sounds kind of like a weird mix of things but, she loves all these things, and they will get used and then thrown away instead of taking up space on the floor when she doesn't want to play with it after five minutes.
I have to admit, I am sad that she doesn't quite get the concept of a birthday. I think she kind of has an idea, but, it's not like she is begging me for a birthday party or even has a clue that her friends can come over for a party. So, instead of depressing myself with the simple things my children don't understand I am inviting her favorite people any day of the year, our family. It will be fun!
I can feel pregnancy, the weight of four children and the nearing beginning of school coming and I think I am on the verge of going nuts. Ya, I don't know what it is. All of us hit this point (whether you want to admit it or not). I think I just need some "ME" time or something. Hey, even a date with Marc would suffice. Maybe we could go see a chick flick and go get a frozen yogurt at the Maverick! Mm! My new craving, frozen yogurt! Devine! Within a weeks time I have already filled my yogurt card eight times so now on the next visit I get a free one!!! Yay!
OK, I really need to lay down. Hopefully I will wake up in 3 hours and the DVD will be all done and ready for the girls to take home.
(yawn) good night...

P.S. It is now 4:21 am, I fell asleep too long and now the DVD I stayed up to do is still needing 30 minutes of processing and I called and they are leaving. I am not sure if I feel like crying because I am so tired, or because I worked so hard to get it to them and I missed it by 30 minutes!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaah!
6 remarks:
3:54 a.m. still awake
ok, that last comment freaked me out because I did not do that, then I realized it was dan. But hey, dan is working tonight and I would love to watch your kiddos for you so you can go on a date or be by yourself which ever you prefer! call me!
Bless your heart, You need a good night sleep. Can't you mail them the DVD? Hope all is well! I love when the baby moves, but it seems the more then move the less I do- haha, I just made that up, but so true!
Mail works just fine! You are such a go getter!!!
Hey you I love the new family pics, I need some taken badly of us. How are you feeling? Sounds like this was a crazy night for you, I am sorry! I hope you and Marc have a date planned here soon. I haven't seen you much this summer!!! We have been in and out though. I bet your belly is cute, your so skinny that you hardly ever show! Well I will talk to you soon. Have a good night and lets get a BBQ planned. Ryder would love to play!
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