I wanted to show you all my design I made up for some T-shirts so that I could wear them to the conference. I thought that would be fun to do.
Oh, my gosh I am going to fly!!! Aaahh! Woo! I am so excited now! This will be a great conference I will learn more about Fragile X for my kids, my entire extended family and this state (since I am the area representative for the Fragile X Association of this state.)
I just hope my husband can handle the kids while I am gone...
4 remarks:
I am SO impressed with all the work you are doing for this cause. You are an inspiration to me. I read through some of your post the other night and I was so impressed with the FABULOUS mother and person you are, and that I always knew you were. I would love to email and catch up. Send me a note at karastone@live.com when you have a minute. Good luck at your conference, enjoy flying, its a blast! Talk to you soon.
Kara (Barber) Stone
good luck with it all. I am proud of you cutie!
Hey girl! Do you have facebook? Look me up.
I don't have facebook--I am lucky to keep up on my blog!
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