Oh, the fun never stops over here...

3 LOVES playing in the mud! We have pushed our horse corral back and are putting some new sod down so there is a muddy spot after watering and 3 always plays in it. Even if it is in her Sunday dress...
We went to the local Pond Park to play. I had dropped 17 off at work nearby and thought it would be fun to take the kids to the park. They had a blast. Next time I will bring their swimsuits. My sister, Jessie, and her kids came too.
Above is a mother goose and her two goslings.
9 playing in the water off the dock
13 just checking things out
Both 3 and 9 just have to get as close to danger as possible and had to hang over the edge to play in the water. It was full of large fish and some baby fish too, so they had to check them out up close.
3 loved the ducks—they got pretty close

3 and her cousin B3 enjoying the "beach"
9 wishing he was fishing...

3, 13 and 9
I love that she was so dainty in the water at first. She ended up soaked anyway, but it made for a cute pic.
13 and cousins T and J
Cute pic of T. His mom said he couldn't get wet in the water so I guess he was trying his best to please both parties...
9 was at a friends while I was grocery shopping and of course he would get bit by a hornet twice!!! I mean twice—why are those things so vicious. They told me he had been bitten on the hand and on the lip—boy did he swell up. He has bad reactions to mosquito bites too. And it just so happens that he was bitten by a mosquito the night before on the right side of his face (the same side the hornet bit) and stung by a mosquito the night before on the left arm (the same side the hornet bit his hand) so he is pretty swollen, even more so today. I took these pictures yesterday. We kept making him smile, because it looked so funny. He looks like he had just been to the dentist. Poor, sweet little guy. At least he has a great sense of humor.

And then the price of happiness. I have decided that I MUST ALWAYS have gum and blow pops in my purse just in case of emergency. 3 fell apart today and there was nothing to calm her down until I stopped by a local gas station to get her a sucker. 39 cents for a stupid blow pop!! Arrgh! Oh, but the sound of silence was worth every penny...
Above is a mother goose and her two goslings.
9 was at a friends while I was grocery shopping and of course he would get bit by a hornet twice!!! I mean twice—why are those things so vicious. They told me he had been bitten on the hand and on the lip—boy did he swell up. He has bad reactions to mosquito bites too. And it just so happens that he was bitten by a mosquito the night before on the right side of his face (the same side the hornet bit) and stung by a mosquito the night before on the left arm (the same side the hornet bit his hand) so he is pretty swollen, even more so today. I took these pictures yesterday. We kept making him smile, because it looked so funny. He looks like he had just been to the dentist. Poor, sweet little guy. At least he has a great sense of humor.

And then the price of happiness. I have decided that I MUST ALWAYS have gum and blow pops in my purse just in case of emergency. 3 fell apart today and there was nothing to calm her down until I stopped by a local gas station to get her a sucker. 39 cents for a stupid blow pop!! Arrgh! Oh, but the sound of silence was worth every penny...
Now I will just buy a bag of them at the grocery store and keep them in my purse... you know, just in case. And no, mothers out there reading this blog, I will be selfish and only give these suckers to my own children. I will allow you to suffer as you listen to your child scream for a sucker at and I will not give you one of mine. Why? Because we must all learn the hard way...
Just kidding, I am sure I will help you out if I am around, but only if I haven't had to use 10 of them already that day, in that case I may just sit and watch it all happen feeling comfort in knowing that I am not the only one who must endure the screaming child who just has to have a sucker.
And while I am on this subject, do we need to sign a petition to all the stores who feel it so necessary to place ALL the candy and gum right at the check out stand. I mean seriously, we made it through the whole grocery store with a child who is sticky from all the suckers I had in my purse and is still crying because now they are gone and I took too long trying to decide which cereal was the better buy and in the meantime she/he has decided that suckers are no longer good enough but she must have the fruit roll-ups that are on that same isle, and I refuse to give in because I must show who is boss (and we all really know who that is anyway) and then in a heap of blubbering mess I drag my child to the check out stand even though I did not get the milk or the bacon that was on my list only to save myself from insanity to pay for the stinking groceries and then my coupons fall into the belt so I have to wait for the checker to fish them out all while I am still trying to calm and handle the blubbering mess who is still my child and continue to tell them NO for ever single candy bar, gum, sunflower seeds, chips, bon bons and treat that are lined right at her eye level in brightly tempting colored wrappers and then the older one with me has disappeared into the abyss of the store during all the commotion so now I am panicked and worn out, so I call the name of my older child saying, "I'll buy you skittles if you get over here now..." And then I have to tell the other balling mess to pick whatever she wants and all in all I pay $3 just because I wouldn't spend the $1.50 on the fruit roll-ups fifteen minutes before that...
Glad I showed who was boss
Just kidding, I am sure I will help you out if I am around, but only if I haven't had to use 10 of them already that day, in that case I may just sit and watch it all happen feeling comfort in knowing that I am not the only one who must endure the screaming child who just has to have a sucker.
And while I am on this subject, do we need to sign a petition to all the stores who feel it so necessary to place ALL the candy and gum right at the check out stand. I mean seriously, we made it through the whole grocery store with a child who is sticky from all the suckers I had in my purse and is still crying because now they are gone and I took too long trying to decide which cereal was the better buy and in the meantime she/he has decided that suckers are no longer good enough but she must have the fruit roll-ups that are on that same isle, and I refuse to give in because I must show who is boss (and we all really know who that is anyway) and then in a heap of blubbering mess I drag my child to the check out stand even though I did not get the milk or the bacon that was on my list only to save myself from insanity to pay for the stinking groceries and then my coupons fall into the belt so I have to wait for the checker to fish them out all while I am still trying to calm and handle the blubbering mess who is still my child and continue to tell them NO for ever single candy bar, gum, sunflower seeds, chips, bon bons and treat that are lined right at her eye level in brightly tempting colored wrappers and then the older one with me has disappeared into the abyss of the store during all the commotion so now I am panicked and worn out, so I call the name of my older child saying, "I'll buy you skittles if you get over here now..." And then I have to tell the other balling mess to pick whatever she wants and all in all I pay $3 just because I wouldn't spend the $1.50 on the fruit roll-ups fifteen minutes before that...
Glad I showed who was boss
5 remarks:
HA! If I cry, will you give me one?
Oh Rach! This is so my story at the grocery store. However you missed the part where everyone is giving you that look like, don't know you don't expect sympethy. All while their thinking, "crazy lady, you did it to yourself". As if I would choose to take all my kids at the baby's nap time to the store.
Then of course their is the checker who actually has the nerve to say, "if that were my child, they wouldn't get anything!" So for that reason alone you hand them over a big chocolate bar, just to show her you're glad you aren't her.
All in all though, you get home and realize at least 3-5 items you get to go back for tomorrow.:)
oh my goodness, life with you is never boring! :) your kids are so cute! boy, i can't wait till our little one grows up! HAHAH!
I tell you what, W better get on that Fisher Price Tranquillizer Gun soon. I bet he could make a fortune. Next time, leave them both with me and I'll try to make sure they don't both get stung. Even if they do,
at least you won't have to get them a sucker, because you wont be here. Hehehehahaha. #9 really was a trooper.
I love stories that make me laugh inside because I can relate :) ha ha! But you forgot to add the part where half of the packages of food are open because the kids tried to eat them while sitting in the cart - I've been told more than once by a checker, "it looks like there was a little mouse in your cart." fun times.
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