3's first day of Preschool!
She even gets to ride the bus. When a child with special needs turns 3 they leave the early intervention program and go on to the district preschool.
Here is some video and pics of 3 getting on her bus for the first time and some pictures her new teacher sent me from class!!! 3 is growing up so fast!

Just looking cute, waiting for her bus.

I antiqued this one a little bit--I just loved the colors.

They tell me she is a good eater! Yay!

I am very excited for 3, they say she is doing so well. I am so glad to hear that. I hope we have done all we can for her so that she can continue to succeed, Fragile X or not!!
6 remarks:
oh, she looks so cute! How is it going for you? love having some time to yourself??
She looks so big. I can't imagine sending my 3 year old on the bus! You are so brave and she is so brave!
What a little angel! :) She looks so sweet! She doesn't even look scared! What a big girl! :)
Oh, I love this!! She is so cute, and it is fun to see her doing her school stuff. I bet it is hard for you to have her gone, but rewarding too. keep the posts coming! mary
Rachael, those pictures are adorable. I love them. I can't believe she eats a little school lunch and everything! Jess
She is so dang cute! I love it. I miss chillin' with all you guys, including this sweet young thang:) Hope to see you all soon:)
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