Oh, here is the deal on my knee. So I was in a lot of pain a couple days after the surgery but decided to suffer until my follow-up appointment (bad idea). When I got there the doctor was pretty worried about me. They drained 130 cc of fluid off my knee, that REALLY hurt!!!! Daaa! But once they were done I could really tell the difference and I was starting to feel better. Anyway, after talking to the doctor more about the knee scope--he let me know this. The meniscus tear was quite significant so they had to scrape a lot of that away, and then the cyst was a meniscal cyst, it was lodged in the tear. Basically, what it comes down to is that he is not sure that it will even heal or last very long and I may end up needing a meniscus transplant. (What? When the heck did we start transplanting cartilage!?) So I am still on crutches, doctor’s orders. I am not too happy about that, but, what do you do.
My mom, and sisters have been taking turns on the days my hubby can’t take off to help me with Avery. Avery is way too much of a handful to keep up with on one leg. My youngest single sister even slept over for 3 nights and got the kids ready in the morning! It was cute because on the first day she said she needed to take a nap because she was so tired. Wew! It must be hard becoming mommy overnight of 4 kids!
Speaking of tired... I just nodded off here in front of the computer! Ya, no kidding, I really did.
Anyway, I have a ton of pics to show so that I can fill you in on what has been going on.
A rare occasion--Marc washing dishes. He did this after my surgery while I was down and out.
Oh, I will try get some more later.
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