Monday, January 7, 2019

A Sinking Feeling

The water pressure in our kitchen sink has been absolutely horrible the last few days.

It has been driving me nuts because I can't rinse things off/out as well as I'm used to. I mean, I am a busy woman, I don't have 2 minutes to rinse out a chili can so it can go into recycle... no! I have 15 seconds. Give me the water pressure back!

Because things seem to go awry so often around here I just assumed that along with the other two leaks we have buckets sitting under, that we had now sprung a new one that was affecting our water pressure. I mean, that would be the logical explanation... think the worst and then if it's just a clogged faucet head then it will seem like an answer to a prayer!

See how I work? I plan for the worst so I can get excited when it isn't so bad. This is how I lead a happy life, it's not a positive outlook, per sé, it's more of a positive attitude toward the negative that gets me through life.

Ha ha!

It's true though.

Anyway, so miracle of miracles, we indeed did NOT have a leak in our kitchen plumbing! We had a clogged faucet head from hard water deposits! Woot! Bring in the hubby to pull the faucet head apart, bring out the ammonia to soak the hard water deposits off and leave the sink undone for a bit.

Then fix dinner.

I didn't know what to fix for dinner.

I wasn't really in the mood to cook... OK, really I wasn't in the mood to tromp out the back door into the cold, down the snow-covered stairs and into the dark garage whose light never seems to light the corner that the deep freeze is in so I have to pull out my phone to use as my trusty flashlight only to realize I left it with Joslin in the house so now I would be rummaging through the dark freezer with my fingertips hoping to find what I thought might be chicken.

Nope, I wasn't in the mood for that routine so I decided to do chili dogs because that was stuff I had in the cupboard and the fridge inside. I had solved my problem before even facing it.

I opened two cans of chili and scraped them out into a pan to cook.

OK, chili in the pan. Burner on.

Wait... my eye sees the empty chili cans. I need to rinse them out before the chili gets all hardened on the sides and makes life worse for those who work with our recycling.

But the faucet head is off the sink and sitting on the other counter...Wait... (I think to myself) it's just the faucet head that is off and soaking in ammonia. The line that slides up and down through the faucet is still usable.

So I grab the end of the hose and begin to rinse out the chili cans! The pressure is back! I am so excited to rinse out this chili can in 30 seconds flat!

The first can getting rinsed out was swift and no issues so I moved the clean can back to the counter and grabbed the other dirty chili can.

But this time the water and the sink had sneaky plans.

Right as I went to pick up the hose running the water a burst of pressure pulled the hose out of me hand and began violently whipping water all over the kitchen and into my face.

This experience was quite shocking and, therefore, I wasn't thinking correctly as I turned to face the offending hose trying to get the hose out of the the neck of the faucet where it had retreated like a turtle or a child who knows they did something wrong.

Then it hit me.

Well, yes, the water... but other than that the clear thought, "turn off the water!" shot into my head.

The fountain of rebellious water was now back under control and the hose had retreated comfortably  in the the neck of the faucet.

Water was dripping from my eyelashes, my shirt and pants were soaked and I could here a dribbling of water behind me.

I looked around and there was water all over the stove and the counter next to it. So much water was on the countertop that it was creating its own Niagra Falls in my kitchen.

My first gut reaction was to scream and yell that it happened and then I caught myself and started laughing hysterically.

"Bwa ha ha ha ha a!!! Who does this kind of stuff?


I wish I could have had it recorded so you could all laugh at the spectacle.

But, I thought to take pictures to give you a slight idea.

The sprayer part that I was cleaning.

Here's the hose that the sprayer goes onto

This is the culprit. This tiny little hose end peeking out of the faucet's neck.

Ignore the mess and look to the left where my hand is holding the faucet tubing. I wanted you to have an idea of how far the water shot out.
Only me, guys! Only me!

2 remarks:

Unknown said...

Your posts always make me smile, this one made me laugh out loud!! I love you lady!

Marc and Rachael said...

That's why I do this! ;)