We got done and came back to Jessie's and we had pizza! Jessie was so sweet to have us over. Daniel and Tynelle and kids came too. I had to take a bit of a break to run 17 to go sing with the Chamber Singers at the Homecoming Game, but we came back for more fun.
My sister Kirsten and her new and incredible boyfriend came down for the weekend and met up with us at Jessie's. Then they came home with me and my kids to sleep over (Jeremy in the guest bedroom upstairs and Kirsten with 17 downstairs). We had popcorn and watched "Ghost Town." I love that movie. In the morning we had sausage gravy over biscuits for breakfast. But, before breakfast I was able to spend a little time talking with Jeremy before Kirsten was up. He wrote a little note for her and hid it in her shoe for her to find later—so romantic. He is such a good guy, I am so happy for Kirsten.
9 went out in the morning and found our first egg. We didn't think we would get eggs until October so this was exciting. As you can see in the pictures of 9 with the first egg, he was very excited. Throughout the morning he kept making "nests" to put it in. (smile) After 9 got the egg I guess he wanted to go back and check for more but, this time the chickens were out of the coup and he forgot to close the gate so five of the six chickens escaped. Jeremy ran right out to help me catch them and put them back in. It was pretty funny. Too bad Kirsten didn't get to see that! He's a real "catch!" Ha!
17 was asked to her high school's homecoming dance! This is her first one. She got asked by a really cute kid here in our stake. He seemed like a lot of fun when he came to pick her up. I was impressed with his outgoing personality. I could tell that she was going to have a blast... and turns out she did! She said there were 20 people in their group and they were all a lot of fun to be with. I promised everyone that I would post pictures of her. I did her hair. We were shooting for the hairstyle that Taylor Swift sports in her music video for "Love Story." I think we came close. She wore the dress that she actually got to wear to Aaron and Chelsea's wedding. She bought some jewelry and a really cool clutch at this little store called "Grin and Wear It." It really topped off the dress and she looked like a princess—as always!
That same night was my mom's infamous family Halloween Party at her house. Last year it was held at a church and just was not as fun. This year she had a little earlier so it was warmer and it was back to the good old fun! We did wagon rides, blacksmithing, hotdog and marshmallow roast, potluck, costume prizes and candy hunt. It was a lot of fun. My kids had a blast! Marc was on a cattle drive so he was unable to be there. I hate to admit it but, I was actually fine with him being gone because he doesn't like to stay as long as I do and we stayed until the 10:30 pm and the kids we begging to stay longer! Cute! 4 dressed up as cinderella, 13 was a sad clown, 9 didn't want to dress up because he just couldn't find the right costume (later we were at least able to get a picture of him with Aaron's wig on) and me, well, let's just say, I looked HILARIOUS! I didn't know what to dress up like and this is what I came up with. And yes, I got the comments, of "you look like you are about to pop!," "Are you due in a few weeks?" and my favorite one, because I know Rochelle with get a laugh, "Are you having twins?" Anyway, I had fun, really fun!!!!
I really missed a lot of the people who weren't there though. I tried to get a few pics of others besides my siblings so you could see a little of what you missed. Hope we can get everyone there next year!
6 remarks:
Hey thanks for the pics and the cool comments hee hee. He is incredible!:)
Wow you look great in that costume:) So sad I missed it this year, Doug was in St. George with the kids and I was bored at home trying not to go into labor while he was gone... Next year though:)
wow thanks for the pics, it looks like a great party. all the costumes look great, I love em. wow. too much fun.
I love all the pictures! Kelsey looks so pretty and her date looks all classy too!
I love your costume!!!!!!!
mary e
Looked like a lot of fun. I went to the General RS Broadcast so was unable to make it - I think it's a great idea having it early but it just fell on the wrong day - next year!
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