I can't do all this!!!!! Aaaaahhhh!!!!!!
9 and 4 are throwing me for a loop. Do they have to both get harder at the same time? I mean I have been told that you will see changes in FXS kids between ages 9 and 14, and that girls mature faster than boys but, come on.
Here are my simple requests:
1 - I would like to sleep at least a straight 5 - 6 hours at night with no interruptions from 4 (I mean for Pete's sake, I will have a baby in 2 1/2 months and I would like to at least have a month before I am up with two kids at night....)
2- I would like to sleep soundly (at least as soundly as a pregnant woman with restless legs and a baby kicking and rolling around inside can) without waiting and listening intently for the next set of ear piercing screams that come from 4's room and last for 10 - 40 minutes at each interval
3- Can someone please help me figure out why 4 is doing this? There really is no calming her--that is the hard part. Possible night terrors, or small seizures or hyperarousal and off-kilter routines the day before. (9 used to do this too, all the way up till 4 was about two years old--I enjoyed the small break)
4- I would love to have 9 do his homework without him covering my mouth telling me to be quiet, sticking his tongue out at me, folding his arms and continually telling me "no," falling apart every couple of minutes while doing the homework and then scribbling as dark as possible all over the answer he just wrote because I have to explain to him that it isn't the right answer.
5- And it is possible for 9 not to have an all out panic attack just because he has to read?
That is it, 5 requests--well, major requests. I can think of many more but, I don't want to seem too needy. (smile)
And seriously if this fly doesn't stop buzzing on my face and around my head while I am trying to type this, I think I will freak out right here and now!!! Baaaaaaahhhh!!! I hate flies! I mean, honestly, I am home all by myself--a million places for it to be but it has to buzz continuously around my face! Baaahhh! I am trying to swat it, but hey, apparently it knows what a large envelope can be used for...

13 remarks:
hang in there! we mom's all have stresses but I think yours are multiplied compared to us. I feel crazy almost every day. you do so great with your kids, i don't know how you do it!
Wow, you are so tiny!!! And I am sorry for all your problems, god must know what an amazing woman you are!!
i only wish the best of luck to you my friend. how do you do it? i mean really. and another one on the way with all this lack of sleep. you are a saint and i only hope 4 sleeps soundly through the night before this next one. =)
Whew! It's okay. I still admire you:) And you are just movin' right along with the baby! Oh PS one day my flyers will look like yours. I just did one for Yvonne...and it looks sad compared to yours! Whew you're amazing.
that was a very intense post.
love the fly action shots.
hang in there.
My fragile x daughter was a crying nightmare until she was about 5ish. Between 2 & 3 we didn't even go anywhere with here because she was such a screamer. Fraggles can have a lot of anxiety. We put her in ballet and oddly it helped her anxiety by giving her an outlet. Maybe she just needs a release of some kind because she is hyper aroused by something??? When my kids can't be soothed I always look around and their daily routine and see if something could be triggering constant meltdowns. Good luck :o(
My kids have tons of melt downs with really no good excuse, and Ellie comes in our room every night (if it makes you feel any better:) (But she is easy to calm down). AND just remember everything is harder when you are pregnant - hang in there (not like there is another choice:)!!! LOVE YA~~
First of all, I admire you that your can find humor (the fly photos) in all of the chaos. LOL!!!! Secondly, your a great mom and your kids are adorable.
Just remember, this too shall pass. Avery had night terrors for a while, came in my room every night wanting comfort even after the night terrors subsided, and occasionally comes in my room in the night to "check on me, make sure Im still there." Where would I go?? Anyway. Good Luck getting through this tough time. God is with you.
Thanks everyone for your comments. It is nice to know, too, that I am not the only mom out there who struggles once in a while. And yes, Rochelle, I am pregnant--man, does that ever throw ya for a loop! (smile)
First of all, you look really good, and that should count for something. My sister lost weight when going through some hard stuff and after all the hard stuff all she remembered is that she lost weight and the rest didn't seem so bad. So knowing you look good, well... hopefully it helps :)
Second, wow! I won't go there, because you're super mom and I wouldn't handle it a lot worse, so good luck and we love you!
oh my goodness, i can't get enough of your posts! they always have me smiling at the computer screen! :) hang in there with the kids. you look so cute!!!! always do, even pregnant i'm impressed!!!! good luck with everything.
Ok So even when you are upset you still make everyone els around you smile! Your posts always make me happy. You are so gifted! Your fun to be around and a GREAT MOM! I Hope you can find some answers for sleeping! Good luck! Love you!
You do look so great! I don't look that cute when I'm trying to kill a fly or when I'm pregnant :) Sorry I don't have any helpful input, butI do hope you get some much needed rest soon... and I hope that little one comes to earth knowing to sleep through the night and to be very content, to make it as easy on you as possible :)
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