9 and 13 came with us to look at the horse that we found on KSL. Well, that was our first mistake... you don't go to pick out an animal you might not want and bring your kids along, because, of course, you will end up getting it just because they can't live without it.
He is a cutie though. And I say cutie for many reasons, but, the biggest reason is because he is so small! Ya, Marc was a little disappointed when he saw his size. He is a young two year old and we hope he will grow a bit. We all came up with the name. We thought "Twister" was good because of how his spots twist together, kind of like a twist icecream cone. Then we added "Mister" just because it was fun.
This horse is going to be a team training project for both Marc and 13. They started on him yesterday. One of the reasons we got him is because he had some good training under him already—he'd been ridden a handful of times, had a bridle a few times, and had his feet trimmer. But, the biggest selling point for me was his disposition. He is calm and doesn't mind the kids around, or on him, at all. You'll see in the pictures that we put 9 and 4 on him already! Pretty amazing for a two-year-old gelding. I think more than anything though, it is going to be a great experience for 13 to train a horse with his dad. I am very excited to see how it all turns out.
So on Saturday night I went into the hospital because I had been feeling really sick all day and feeling some pressure and pain. Because of my record of coming early the doctor suggested I go in if I ever felt like maybe I may be going into labor. Well, being that I had 10 1/2 weeks left to go, I didn't want to risk going into labor too early, so with the encouragement of my sister and mom, I went into the hospital to be checked. Well, we got there at 11pm and we were discharged 3am. It was a long night. They didn't really say anything. I was having contractions and it was very obvious on their monitors, so I guess they are just those stupid Braxton Hicks things. Man, they are sure wearing. They did all kinds of tests and I am not progressing in labor or anything so all is well. I guess it is better safe than sorry, so I guess it was good I went in, but I sure was tired. Anyway, I have the Braxton Hicks everyday all day, and it is a little something to get used to. So, sorry to anyone that I may be ornery to, I am just not my chipper self I guess. Man, this pregnancy is throwing me for a new one. Anyway, it was nice because we had some friends come over on Sunday and bring us dinner and stay with us to eat, then we had a fire afterwards and roasted marshmallows. It was nice and it cheered me up.
My mom and sister came and cleaned my house yesterday while I slept. Oh how nice to have helpers. My mom even took me to lunch! My family takes really good care of me. I love them so much. I am glad that they sacrifice so much time for me and my family! LOVE them! Thank you guys! And I even had some friends call me up and they want to go to lunch next Monday! Wahoo, a girl's lunch out. I am excited!
Of course, as I am typing this and seeing all the help I am receiving makes me realize that I must be moping around so everyone feels sorry for me. Oh, darn it. I am sorry. I will try to be better everyone, I promise.
But, until then, I'll enjoy the help! (smile)
2 remarks:
I bet they just realize that you need the extra hands...not that you are mopey. Every mom can use an extra pair of hands :o)
Thank you a million times for having us over and planning a bbq and entertaining us! We had so much fun and both of my boys asked "When are we going back to see our horse friends."
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