Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Home Projects and Hair Stylist

At some point I will get pictures of our house up on the blog so you can see how it looks. But I am too particular and want to have it all together before I officially post pictures.

So I have no cool pictures to post, but I wanted to document all the work we have done on our home so far.

1- The week we moved in we had all the electrical re-done, put in a flood light in the back yard

2- Had my Uncle Slade fix some plumbing so that we wouldn't have leaks in the basement, fix some drywall,  put in the garbage disposal, made my laundry room shelf system and fix the tub faucet upstairs, and sure up our back porch rails and steps

3- Purchased a new furnace the first week we moved in

4- Painted some bedrooms just to break up the tan that was all through the house and get rid of the bright purple rooms in the basement

5- Purchased a new refrigerator (because our door wouldn't seal), gas stove (I don't like electric) and microwave (the one here was broken)

6- The new countertop comes tomorrow

7- We'll be getting a new roof next week

Then I think we will be, gratefully, taking a break for a while from our home projects until we have the money to get our leaking master bath shower replaced.

But, hey, the plus side to this is that in order to make all these repairs I have resorted back to cutting and coloring my own hair again...

Wait... that is not a "plus" side.

OK, the plus side is we planned for all this ahead of time so we saved aside some of our equity from the sale of our other home to make most these repairs.

Notice I said "most." That is why I am being my own hairstylist. Some of these things were not planned fixes. But, hey, I am proud of us for being able to get it done.

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