Thursday, August 21, 2014

Father's Day Frisbee Family Fun

Sunday Dinners at our house can be quite a bit of fun!

Especially when you turn it into a Father's Day dinner!

My parents, Marc's parents and our cousins, Cathy and Jerry had dinner with us to celebrate and it was such a nice evening that we all just sat around enjoying each other's company.

And taking crazy pictures with Grandma Lynne

... and cousin Cathy

Baby doing what she loves...

looking adorable...

and swinging!

After a while we were throwing the frisbee around and it turned into a cup-tower-tossing-knock-over game. I didn't have my real camera but I caught some pretty sweet shots on my iPhone camera!

It all started when my mom was trying to teach Baby how to throw and catch a frisbee

Marc stepped in and it was funny to get shots of Baby's reactions

She's getting ready to catch it here

Now she is throwing it



catching... are you starting to see the pattern

Marc decided she needed a little help on her form. I mean, seriously, I love this man!

She loved the attention.

Then teaching turned into competing!

Come on Gary! You can do it!

Gary actually did knock over the cups, I just didn't get a shot of it... below is the shot when I thought I had "the shot" and it was the frisbee hitting my phone as I ducked! Tee hee! It's dangerous work, this action filming! 

(That's the red frisbee in the top right corner...)

My mom takes any competition quite seriously... she's got on her game face...

Ta da!

We finally talked Marc into joining in on the competition but we could only get him to do it if he didn't have to move from his seat... seriously! I love this man! Ha ha! Above you can see the frisbee midway to the cups, his first try was a miss.

But, his second try was nail on! Cool shot too! Not bad for an iPhone.

Lynne didn't toss the frisbee, but she wore it quite well!

I'm so thankful for my family. We are so truly blessed! I know I say it all the time, but I really feel that if I don't express my gratitude often that I will become complacent in noticing and counting my many blessings! My goal is to be thankful in everything! I hope it's working!

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