Monday, November 19, 2012

Baby's Growing Up...

She can get in the tub all by herself...
I am hoping, though, that eventually she will remember to remove her clothing before getting in.

She is able to take her own Facebook Profile Photo...
 She's got this one down: close-up of her full lips, little whisp of hair in front and the doe-eyed look. All she has to learn now is to photoshop it to look "official."

Tee hee!

I just saw a post on Facebook today, though that summed her up, it was something like, "Silence is golden... unless you have a toddler, then it means they're up to something."

I can deal with hopping in the tub with Sister fully clothed and stealing my phone, I just hope she doesn't decide to steal my phone when she decides to hop in the tub...

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