I only got one picture from that day. Marc was in charge of pictures with his new camera. The only one I have is of 4 with my Uncle Jeff. I don't know what she is doing but, it looks funny. My Uncle Jeff and Grandma came (my kids' Great Grandma). I was teasing my grandma that she and Baby looked alike because they both had oxygen on—tee hee!
We had Thanksgiving at Jessie's house this year and it was a lot of fun. We just hung out all day and ate and played games, laughed and joked around.
Marc's good looking cowboy picture on his ride with a friend...
Cute, but blurry, bath picture of Baby...
Decorating for Christmas...
snuggle up with so they could both be warm while they rested.
I love Christmas! I am so thankful for a holiday that celebrates Christ and all he stood for. I hope we all really try to teach our children about Jesus Christ, not only during Christmas time but, all the time.
Then, the dryer trick. So Baby has decided that she needs to be colicky! Woo! She cries a lot. I have tried not eating so many things to see if it would help but, still cries. I can't get a whole lot done because I am holding her all the time. I do use the snugglie pack often but, my back gets achy so I just thought I would try the dryer trick. I set her on there and turned the dryer on and it was like magic!!! Yay!!! I was actually able to do something for 15 minutes straight without having to stop to soothe her. It was a nice break. Now, I do it at least once a day while she is in her carseat for about 15-20 minutes while I am doing dishes or laundry so that I can still keep an eye on her.
(Side note: The reason our dryer has the word "dryer" on it is not because we have to label things for the men in the house to know what they are nor for the reason of making sure that we don't forget what it is called. It is because I labeled some common household things so that 10 could learn the words and help him with his reading.)
We are still waiting for Baby's test results to come back. We will probably get the results next week when she has her eight week appointment. I wanted to get her in to the doctor before Kirsten's wedding so that maybe I could have one last item of baggage, ie, the oxygen or apnea monitor, to lug around at the wedding luncheon and reception all day.
I can't believe that my youngest sister is getting married. All of my siblings will be married. And I got to design all their invitations! How cool is that. Here is Kirsten's invite. I blurred out the personal info for safety reasons.

9 remarks:
I love reading your blog! so I want to know what happened to marcs pics from thanksgiving??
The dryer trick! Ingenious.... desperation is the mother of invention. We used a blow-dryer for Bennett.
ps Kirsten looks beautiful!
Love all of this. The wedding annoucement is great. Good job.
awww colic, gotta love it! i am glad grandma got to spend thanksgiving your fam. see you next week!
I am so sorry baby girl has colic. I noticed with Liah that every time I had a drink of milk she would get sooo gassy and fussy, so I stopped drinking milk and that was the end of it, I am doing what most moms do… give suggestions even if we are not ask to LOL!
Love your blog!
i love reading your blog. i love kirsten's invite too! you do such a good job. i can't belive how much the little one has changed already. so much fun! :) i've never even heard of the dryer trick. hahah!
I tried the dryer trick with Landan but wasn't very successful - but I was freaked out about him being up on top of that! We missed seeing you guys at the Buhler Thanksgiving dinner.
Fun, fun fun:) Hopefully I can see you at the wedding. I'll need to enlist my mom to help me hopefully caz Doug is doing the video. See ya then!! Hang in there, crying babies are no fun!!
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