The day she left the Hospital she weight 4 lbs. 12.5 oz.
Last week's weigh in she was 5 lbs. 2.5 ounces
And this week... drum roll pleas....
... ...
She weighs 5 lbs. 11 oz!!!!!!
Oh, and she grew 1/4 an inch. She is now 18.75 inches long.
Yahoo! I am feeling good about myself. I have really been working on feeding her well. Lots of water, food (and I have enjoyed the food part) and waking her up to feed her during the day. (smile) At night she goes for four to six hour stretches, that is nice.
It felt good to get out with her today, even if it was just to the doctor's office for a weigh-in. Of course it topped off the day when I was able to go to my mom's and she made me lunch. I was only there for a half an hour, but, there is just something about being at my mom's.
Marc and I were saying these last few days how much she has changed. She doesn't look as premie anymore, she is getting more of a newborn look—a little chub in the cheeks. She also isn't so yellow anymore which gives me hope that the jaundice is going away.
I have her down here with me today while 4 is watching her pre-school DVD and I am working on my sister's wedding invitation. So I took some pictures of us together on my computer.

Hey, my friend, Paola just stopped by and brought a gift for Baby and I just had to show it on the blog—they are just too cute for my little cowgirl...

5 remarks:
Very cute! IT is always nice to see them gaining weight! I have worried about it for the first time with my twins! And yes, I love to go to my mom's house too (and your moms:)
Rachael you look so happy and SOOO good!!! It feels great to see those oz go up, is like "it's all me baby! it's all me keeping her healthy" good job!
She is so beautiful!! ooooh and new borns smell so goooood,love it!
I am so glad you liked the bibs, they were just PERFECT for her!
Glad all is going well. Keep up the good work. You both look great.
I just read your delivery story. I hate your nurse! Ewww! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that! Anyway, I'm sooo glad that baby is doing better. I hope that she can get off the oxygen soon... We love you guys!!!
The pictures of you and your baby are so cute! Anyone can see how happy you are! It made me hug my baby a little tighter!
Paola found the perfect bibs! So cute!
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