First of all I loved flying! I was like a little kid--I kept giggling and looking out the window and taking pictures, so I will post a couple.
I saw a few sights with the little time we had. We saw the St. Louis LDS Temple, beautiful.
And we went to the Arch (of course) and rode the tram to the top so I took some pictures from up there, 630 feet high up there.
And I found the way to the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4!! (cool painting inside the mall that was inside my hotel that also included the ballrooms where the conference was held--it was all VERY convenient.)
As for the conference, it was one of the single most incredible educational and life altering experiences in my life--seriously. I want to go out and conquer the world and let everyone know about Fragile X Syndrome!!!
I learned so much about Fragile X Syndrome and its many accompanying traits such as: hyperarousal, anxiety, night terrors, speech delays, perseveration, inclusion in school and so many other things. I think the main focus at least for me was on hyperarousal. It is so often misunderstood as a low attention span or lack of eye contact which often leads to a autism diagnosis.
There were so many other kids there with Fragile X, it was so wonderful to meet families who were in my same situation!! I will especially remember JP, he is a 23 year old young man with FXS, he said I was hot! What a sweety he was, he even danced with me several times at the Banquet/Auction/ dance! His mom has written a book called "Love is Spelled with an X" -- it is memoirs of her life with JP. I want to read it. They were a great family to get to know, (thanks guys for letting me sit next to you at the banquet)!
I am so proud of 2 and 8 and also, so proud of 12 and 16 because of the love, patience and compassion they have for 2 and 8.
What I truly learned is that I am blessed. Amazingly blessed. My family, close and extended, my friends, and neighbors are such great supports! I love you all and appreciate you so much. I have a wonderful husband who works so hard right along side me and the kids. 12 and 16 who were thrown into the middle of it all and do a great job. I am blessed. What a wonderful life!!